7 research outputs found

    Constructed Islamic Identities in Veiled Woman Represented in Ayat-Ayat Cinta Film (2008)

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    This study discusses the construction of Islamic identities in the figure of veiled woman in Ayat-Ayat Cinta film. The method in this research applies textual analysis method and cultural studies approach in analyzing the film scenes and dialogues based on the theories proposed by Castells on identity formation, Asma Barlas’s feminist hermeneutics of al-Qur’an, gender, and patriarchy. This film shows that Islamic identities as represented by veiled woman is related to the values of man’s power, patriarchal ideology, and social construction. The results of this research proves that the main character as in veiled women is tried side by side with the ideology of patriarchy in struggling for her freedom, justice, and equality with men, so that the veiled woman represents current Islamic values that are harmonious, dynamic, and modern (Pluralist Islam). This study is important to understand variants Islam through Islamic dress, religious practice, and the interpretation of al-Qur’an verse that exist in Indonesia as religious discourse in cultural studies.---Studi ini membahas konstruksi identitas Islam dalam sosok perempuan berjilbab pada film Ayat-Ayat Cinta. Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis tekstual dan pendekatan kajian budaya dalam menganalisis adegan film dan dialog berdasarkan konsep yang dikemukakan oleh Castells tentang pembentukan identitas, konsep hermeneutik feminis Asma Barlas tentang al-Qur’an, konsep gender, dan patriarki. Dalam film ini menunjukkan bahwa identitas Islam yang diwakili oleh wanita berjilbab terkait dengan nilai-nilai kekuatan laki-laki, ideologi patriarkal, dan konstruksi sosial. Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa tokoh utama perempuan berjilbab berdampingan dengan ideologi patriarki dalam memperjuangkan kebebasan, keadilan, dan kesetaraannya dengan laki-laki, sehingga perempuan berjilbab mewakili nilai-nilai Islam saat ini, yang harmonis, dinamis, dan modern (Pluralist Islam). Penelitian ini penting untuk memahami variasi Islam melalui busana Islami, praktik keagamaan, dan interpretasi ayat al-Qur’an yang ada di Indonesia sebagai wacana keagamaan dalam kajian budaya


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    This article discusses phonological translation in fiction text of The Hunger Games Novel translated by Hetih Rusli. This research investigates translation acquisition of transferring or replacing the Source Language into the Target Language as the second language. In analyzing the novel of The Hunger Games, the writers allude the process of translation that is produced by translator using the methods of phonological translation. The reseach used qualitative method and the data is taken from the novel of Suzanne Collins: The Hunger Games from both English and Indonesian version. The purpose of this paper is to find out the meaning of words from the Source Language into the Target Language using the method of phonological translation. Many words in the novel are commonly used in daily life of society such as the word of animal, places, and plants. From the discussion, it can be concluded that phonological translation is used in translating the Hunger Games novel. Using phonological translation could sound better and could deliver the meaning of the words itself with the play on sound. Thus, the research finds that the meanings of translation word in the Hunger Games Novel which have been analayzed in SL show the sense of original or foreign meaning in the TL. The significant of this study is to reveal the meaning of word as a languange phenomenon and communication used in daily life of society through phonological translation

    The Context Meaning of Deixis in Soundtracks Lyric of the Greatest Showman Movie

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    Deixis is one of the important studies in pragmatics. It is a word or phrase that can refer to a person, place, or time in the speakers' utterance. Usually, each deixis has a different function.  That function relies on the context of deixis both implicitly and explicitly. Then, the objective of this research is to find the types of deixis and divulge the function which is applied in the speaker utterance. The writers used the descriptive qualitative method to analyze deixis in the two soundtracks lyric of The Greatest Showman movie, they are the greatest show and This is me. The results of the analysis found that there are five types of deixis in the two lyrics; person deixis, spatial deixis, temporal deixis, discourse deixis, and social deixis. The functions showed that deixis provides the information and gives a reference to the deixis word. This analysis is important to understand the speaker's intends in the song by the use of context deixis

    Peer Feedback of L2 Writing Class in Blended Learning Context

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    This paper reports the finding of a study scrutinizing to what extent peer feedback in blended learning context improves students’ writing ability a well as how EFL learner perceive an online peer feedback on writing in blended learning context. The study utilized a descriptive qualitative method with instrument of observation, document analysis and questionnaires. The results show that the students writing ability have improved after the students received feedback from peers and incorporated those feedbacks to their final draft. The online peer feedback fostered students’ writing skills in terms of mechanic, content, organization and structures. Students’ perception of online peer feedback using Edmodo were also positive in terms of usefulness, easiness, and interest. The students also responded that this activity was very timesaving since the blended learning model facilitates the students to maximize the amount of time to engage in the writing process

    The Taste of Peranakan Tionghoa in Listening to Indonesian and Chinese Music and Their Relation to Cultural Identity

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    This research discussed the taste of Peranakans Tionghoa in listening to Indonesian and Chinese music and its relation to cultural identity. The history of the settlements in Chinatown at Glodok, Jakarta, Indonesia, brought ethnic and cultural issues. Then, the assimilation was inadequate that caused the elimination of the original culture and finally form a new culture. This research questioned how the Peranakans Chinese cultural identity was formed and related to the taste of listening to Chinese and Indonesian music using Hall’s perspective of cultural identity. A qualitative method was used to describe, explain, and analyze data. Data in the research consisted of observation and interview of the 30 Peranakans Tionghoa at Glodok, covering the area of mall, café, and restaurant. The collected data were classified into similarities and differences from each aspect. The classification was linked to the three groups who preferred to listen to music and find their cultural identity. The result shows that the taste of Peranakan Tionghoa in listening to Indonesian and Chinese music depends on the elements and the function of music. Those aspects emphasize the language to understand what the song tells about. Further, the music could be an intermediary for cultural unification from both origins of (Chinese and Indonesia) who are fused to the relation of the cultural identity. Related to identity, Peranakans Tionghoa is becoming an identity

    The Peirsean's Analysis On Jeans Advertisements

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    Mental illness is a mental or psychological disorder or a health condition that affects an individual's thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in their daily life. The purpose of this research is to analyze and understand the mental illnesses experienced by the main character, to identify the types of mental illnesses and factors that contribute to the main character's mental disturbances, and how to treat the people of suffering the mental illness. In this study, the writer utilizes a qualitative descriptive research method, using images and dialogue from the film "Daddy's Perfect Little Girl" to depict the mental illnesses experienced by the main character. The findings of this research reveal that are (1).  Trauma disorder, personality borderline disorder, paranoid personality disorder, antisocial personality disorder, and psychotic disorder (2). The factor of mental illness experienced by Ella’s character in the film is because Ella saw violence in the past and lost her mother (3). Her father takes her to a rehabilitation hospital for treatment and provides extra support to facilitate her recovery. This research is essential to be conducted because it can be useful for writer and readers, so they can be aware of the symptoms of mental illness so that treatment can be carried out quickly before trauma occurs